Hello, nice to meet you, I’m Schrödinger Cat!
I like paradox and Quantum Physics!
I have the ability to be in two different dimensions at the same time!
It’s you, the observer, that decides if I’m alive or dead.
I travel between two worlds, the visible and the invisible.
I know the invisibility of emotions because I’m the vehicle through which they flow.
I know the visible life, because I’m life itself.
I know the invisibility of death, because I’m the death itself.
I like to stay beyond the threshold, in both directions.
I like to be dead and alive at the same time.
I like to stay in different states of mind at the same time.
When I observe myself, I have the chance to choose which side to be on.
I become this or that.
The relationship between what I see of myself can decide: if I’m dead or alive, if I’m sad or happy, if I’m calm or excited.
It’s a point of view, even if it’s me that I observe.
When we observe, we change the event itself.
Objectivity doesn’t exist.
We’re here, we’re there.
Because everything is relationship.
Everything shows itself when it is in relationship.
“Hello dear Dragoness,
How can I help you to be the mirror of your fears?
By observing them, you will recognize them as pure energy and be with them.
Without any judgment.
Without opinion.
Your fears have the same face you have.”